Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Memento Gimmick

I liked the Memento gimmick, of going back in time as if the scenes were in reverse chronological order. In fact, it is more than a gimmick! It's an ingenious way to make the viewer feel like the main character Lenard feels. I was lost for a while, imagine if that was every15 minutes of your life. At least he has a "system" to keep things in check (not).


The ending (or rather "the beginning") totally shocked me. I mean I just didn't see that coming all. You see the word FACT tattooed on his body and you think, "this must be true." But none of it was. He was lying to us and to himself, but as soon as he forgot he was now again 'telling the truth,' via lie.

Lenny made this whole point about Facts vs. Memories, and even though that he didn't have the memories, he still had "the facts." He said how Facts are much more important than people's memory, etc. Well apparently he doesn't have either. He should probably get those tattoos turned into something else ( zebra stripes?). It just dawned on me why he never truly wants to catch this John G. fellow! He got all those tattoos very hastily, what is he going to do when he catches this guy he is looking for, check off each tattoo? I'm putting too much thought into this.

One question I have: The car and clothes? If Lenny took Jim's car and clothes and Natalia recognizes them (thinking that it is her man that pulls up as she is taking out the trash), wouldn't she figure out that maybe he killed her man? Or at least get the money back from him or something ...? Or...... is she just using him to kill Teddy and get drug dealers and cops off her back. I'm drawing a blank, maybe I missed something subtle.

And one more thing about the ending: As Teddy was saying all the revelations to Lenard, I was deep down hoping that they weren't true. I felt like an idiot when I found out that Lenard was lying to himself and conditioned himself to believe these lies, and has killed multiple people named John G. (the name did strike me as very common early on). I had been rooting for him the whole movie. It's like finding out superman beats up hookers or something; its a real shock.

I give Lenard credit for one thing. At least he has something to live for. Its something much more than for being a cashier at cvs like some people. His life goal he has fulfilled a few times, and will continue to live for it. To each his own I say. (he just needs to not kill anymore people, or stick to sleezy drug dealers and guys with mustaches).

Monday, April 20, 2009

You need to give that other guy a break

There was one thing that troubled me about the movie today (Unforgiven). The side kick of the tiny-pecker-cowboy-slasher man offered the best horse to the girl his friend cut up, and the red head boss lady refused his offer on behalf of the girl, who clearly wanted it, and then was mad at him for it too!(threw things, yelled, etc). I have no sympathy for the tiny-pecker-cowboy-slasher man, but for his buddy who really didn't do anything wrong? cut him some slack. Take his pony and call off his hit (thus saving 500 bucks). Leave the hit on for the other guy of course. The red head whore needs to swallow her feminist pride, take the horse and save some money. Also, It is obvious to me that the whore who was cut up is madly in love the friend of the cowboy who cut her. She wanted him right then and there, free of charge. I look forward to see their romance unfold and the sparks fly.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Signs. I have never seen it before until this past week, but I felt like I have cause I watched Scary Movie 3 a dozen times on TV, which did a nice goof of the movie. I liked the movie, finally an alien invasion movie with a message or something to think deeper about than Independence Day, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Invaders from Mars, ETC (not to say I don't like these movies, I do). Signs was a cool movie, I enjoyed it.

Mr. B said the climax of the film was the dinner scene, sort of the "last supper." I agree. It displays the message of the film that you can't enjoy life with death looming over head, and humans need comfort and something higher to believe in. But whatever. I'd like to say that I am cold enough where I would enjoy my last meal, but i really don't know. I guess it depends on what we're having. But if I was pushed out of the airplane with no shoot, I want to enjoy the ride down. Cause you're about to die, why not have a little fun, no?

And the movie made this strong point to say that there are "No Coincidences." It asked the question several times, and then just flat out answered it. I was pretty cool to see all those seemingly meaningless things all came together to help the family survive. I wish that it did not just say it though with that flashback. Like it took the thinking and remembering out of the film. Instead of you drawing conclusions, it told you what conclusions to draw.

What church would accept back such a fickle preacher as Mel Gibson? Like he just quit 6 months ago, and then now he wants his job back. He's probably going to lose his "faith" again when he stubs his toe! And I feel bad for his replacement preacher. He probably just learned everyone's names, started to settle in, and BAM! he's out a job. I can only hope he was killed by the aliens, because I wouldn't want to feel that pain.

AND. If the family felt that their belief in God helped them through the invasion, why did their God make them work so hard? Couldn't God just have made it rain. The whole movie everyone could have been like, "Goddamn rain, I wish it would stop." And then the aliens come, and then they are burnt. Thats the kinda god i want to believe in.

And one more thing. Why wouldn't they have any weapons on them? A knife, bat, gun, board w/rusty nail? They just stood there and got lucky that that baseball bat was on the wall in the oh so perfect spot. It takes Mel like a 5 minute flashback to realize that the best plan is the hit the alien with a bat. You see him thinking and wonder what genius plan he is concocting. He comes out of it all with "Swing away."

Okay, well those were all the bones I had to pick with this movie. I thought it was a pretty cool movie. And through the movie, it was bugging me that they didn't focus too much on the aliens and the rest of the earth, and all the specs of the invasion. I understand this move now. The aliens are more symbolic than just aliens, representing the fear and power, etc. To some extend, if the aliens were replaced with blood thirsty communists, the movie stiff could have worked.

Apology for the rambles.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

All Was Quiet

I forgot about this blog thing for a while. So I'll try to knock off some cometary on the movies we saw. First, All's Quiet on the Western Front.

This film portrayed, very well, the horrors of war. In a few short years, these young boys became either dead or old men - a life time of experiences and horrors crammed into this time.

When it is said that war will make you truly value life, I don't quite believe that. Like, "you won't appreciate your life until you are almost kill and your head is all messed up and all of your friends are dead." War seems, according to this film, to take away most of your life with out even killing you. The dehumanized make for good soldiers, but terrible people. I wouldn't know first hand, but to me, being through a war I don't think that it would help anyone to enjoy living more. War ruins lives, even those it does not physically take. Paul Baumer had a life before the war. He goes back and that is foreign to him. The war took his life (even though he didn't die for another 15 minutes).

My favorite scene is when they are all sitting on the ground eating. The men are all pondering the nature of the war, who started it, and their place in the whole mess. They say how they don't want to shoot at an Englishmen or a Frenchman, and visaversa. Their "enemy" is just a friend they haven't met (as corny as that sounds, its true). My favorite line in the whole movie is when Kat says something to the affect of 'why don't we take all the kings, generals, dignitaries, strip them into their underpants and let them duke it out with clubs... better country win.' A nice thought, but they are stuck doing their Keizers work out in the trenchs. Damn 'French warfare.' And right as they are feeling how futile this (any) war is, they are called back to the front - great way to end the scene.

And on a note about "French or Trench Warfare," I think that the old men back home may have in fact called it Frence warfare. If I hated the French and was at war with them, and my country was bogged down in stupid trench warfare, I would blame the French. I would already blame the French for the war, my sunburn, my knocked up daughter, and all my problems past and future, I can't see how this would be any different. And, plentry of things carry the French name (ie french fries, french toast, french manicure, etc) so why can't the type of warfare. All I am saying is that if i was a German during WWI, I would call trench warfare "French Warfare." You'd need a laugh in the trenches after all. Damn French.

Good night

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Its a Start

Hello Blog. I was told to write about something. I planned on writing about some movies i saw over the break, but they aren't fresh in my mind anymore, so i wouldn't do justice to them and i can't remember any of the clever things i was thinking about and wanted to write about. I'll try?

I finally saw all of Refer Madness. Its a comedy to me, grade A stuff. All that fuss over a little plant - ridiculous. And I like how at least half the people in the '30s can play excellent piano.

I also saw A Hard Days Night. Got a real kick out of that one too. John's cracking these subtle jokes the whole movie, sharp guy. Their tour manager tells them to behave like good lads, and you see John in the back sniffing his pepsi bottles like blow. My favorite was poor old Ringo. Poor guy always being put down, finally goes out and soes is "wild oats," gets arested on rediculous charges, gets sprung out of jail and back just in time for the show. Smile on my face.

Last night I came home from work and got to watch the last hour of Taxi Driver. I can understand john hinkly jr. a little better now. Like perhaps if i was borderline psycotic, i'd do the same thing.... oh young Jodi F. sweet girl. I've been meaning to see this movie for a long time but just havn't. What i saw: good stuff. I would like to watch the first hour and a half of the film, however.

"Good Food, Good Meat, Getting Late, Lets Eat. "

The End.